Yoga Pose Tutorials
Tutorials breaking down iconic yoga poses. Each tutorial gives you information on why these poses are incorporated in classes, anatomical insights into how poses stretch and strengthen the body as well as alignment tips to help you practise these poses in a way that best suits your body.
Tripod Headstand Tutorial
Virabhadrasana II 🙏 Warrior 2
Definitely one of those poses that looks easier than it actually is, Virabhadrasana II (pronounced veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna) is a relatively common pose for you to come across during a yoga class. This strong and powerful pose is named after the mythical warrior Virabhadra. There are quite a few ...
Prasarita Paddotanasana 🙏 Wide-Legged Forward Fold
Prasarita Paddottanasana (pronounced pra-sa-REE-tah pah-doh-tan-AHS-anna) is the perfect example of a sneaky inversion. It might not require the same level of strength as Dolphin Pose or Handstand and it might not require the same level of balance and practise as Headstand or Shoulderstand, but ...
Extended Side Angle Pose Tutorial
Half Lord of Fishes Pose Tutorial
Seated Forward Fold Tutorial
Pigeon Pose Tutorial
Child's Pose Tutorial
In this video, I demonstrate a number of variations for Child's Pose (or Balasana), which you can easily incorporate into the next class you practise online or in-person. I hope you enjoy!
Plank Pose Tutorial
Bakasana Crow Pose
This video's offers you a tutorial for Crow Pose. I have included several ways for you to warm up and build strength to approach this arm balance. I also give you a number of tips and tricks to help you try out this pose in the comfort of your own home.
4 Ways to Build Core Strength
4 Ways to Build Upper Body Strength
In this short video, I demonstrate four ways to help you build strength in the upper body. These four exercises are great ways to build strength and flexibility in the upper back, shoulders and chest and are a great way to warm up and prepare the body for challenging inversions including forearm...
Legs up the Wall Pose Tutorial