Prasarita Paddotanasana 🙏 Wide-Legged Forward Fold
Yoga Pose Tutorials
4m 5s
Prasarita Paddottanasana (pronounced pra-sa-REE-tah pah-doh-tan-AHS-anna) is the perfect example of a sneaky inversion. It might not require the same level of strength as Dolphin Pose or Handstand and it might not require the same level of balance and practise as Headstand or Shoulderstand, but it will still give you the cooling, calming benefits associated with inverting the body. This pose is an intense stretch for the hamstrings, quadriceps, hips and lower back and helps to build strength in the calves and ankles. There are a few key alignment cues for this pose:
🙏Move the feet wide apart so that when you reach your arms out wide, the wrists are above the ankles
🙏The outer edge of both feet are parallel with the short edge of the mat and toes are slightly turned inward
🙏Micro-bending the knee will prevent hyper-extension of this joint and will help to engage the quadriceps
🙏When folding forward, focus on lengthening the spine and hinging at the hips, this protects the spine by keeping it neutral
🙏You can place blocks or books underneath your hands if they don't reach the earth
🙏Hands can be underneath your shoulders, in between your feet or pointing behind you
🙏Keep the feet active throughout the entire duration of this pose by pressing into the outer edge of the feet
🙏Relax the head, shoulders and neck
This pose also has lots of lovely variations with the arms including placing one hand on the earth and reaching the opposite to the sky to come to a twist, reaching your hands in front of you but keeping the hips in line with heels or interlacing the hands behind you (making sure to keep the spine and neck lengthened). You can even play with closing your eyes during this pose, using it as a tool to turn inwards for a few moments which can be especially welcomed as this pose is often included during the more dynamic parts of a yoga class.
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