The Chakra Series

The Chakra Series

The seven major Chakras, or energy centres, in the body correspond to different parts of the body, different parts of our emotional life and different parts of our spiritual life. The Chakra Series guides you through seven Gentle Yoga Flow sequences that you can practise at your own pace. Each class explores a different Chakra and the entire series of yoga classes promises to leave you feeling balanced, aligned and awakened. You can learn more about the Chakras here:

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The Chakra Series
  • Hatha Yoga exploring the Muladhara Chakra 🌱

    30 minute Hatha Yoga class exploring the Muladhara, or Root, Chakra. This yoga sequence focuses on finding a sense of stability, balance and grounding in the present moment. The Muladhara Chakra is linked to the feet and the legs and therefore, this yoga class focuses on this part of the body. ...

  • Hatha Yoga exploring the Svadhishthana Chakra 🌊

    30 minute Gentle Yoga Flow themed around the Sacral Chakra, or the second Chakra. This Chakra is all about cultivating fluidity, freedom, a sense of letting go, creativity as well as flexibility in our lives, not so much physically but figuratively. It is also linked to the hips and therefore t...

  • Hatha Yoga exploring the Manipura Chakra 🔥

    In this 30 minute yoga class, I will guide you through a sequence themed around the Manipura Chakra. This will be a gentle and calming class that focuses on twists which are extremely beneficial for the health and mobility of the spine. The Manipura Chakra is also the centre of our vitality, in...

  • Hatha Yoga exploring the Anahata Chakra 💚

    This 30 minute Gentle Yoga Flow is suitable for any time throughout the day but will be particularly potent for a sleepy morning or sleepy evening. This gentle, relaxing and calming yoga sequence is themed around the Anahata or Heart Chakra and will focus on stretching and strengthening the ches...

  • Hatha Yoga exploring the Vishuddha Chakra

    In this 30 minute Hatha Yoga class, I guide you through a calming and relaxing yoga class themed around the Throat, or Vishuddha, Chakra. This energy centre is associated with clarity of communication and listening as well as the neck and throat. I hope you enjoy!

  • Hatha Yoga exploring the Ajna Chakra 🌺

    In this 30 minute Gentle Yoga Flow, I guide you through a yoga sequence themed around the Ajna, or Third Eye, Chakra. This energy centre is linked to intuition, insight, inner wisdom and connection to a higher purpose. You can expect a meditative gentle yoga class that harnesses pranayama (or b...

  • Hatha Yoga & Meditation exploring the Sahasrara Chakra ✨

    In this 30 minute yoga class, I guide you through some gentle stretches, a short Savasana and a guided meditation. This yoga class explores the final of the seven major Chakra, the Crown (or Sahasrara) Chakra. This Chakra is all about our intellect, our beliefs, our attachments and explores the...