Crow Pose Power Yoga
Peak Pose
1 hour Crow Pose Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga. Crow Pose (or Bakasana) is a very difficult pose to master but I will lead you through a sequence that prepares your body for this arm balance as well as offering you a number of tips. This class will strengthen the core, the wrists and shoulders whilst building strength and flexibility in the hips. I hope you enjoy!
Up Next in Peak Pose
Heart Chakra Yoga 💚 Wheel Pose Sequence
1 hour Heart Chakra Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga. This 60 minute class is themed around the Anahata (or Heart) Chakra and builds up to Wheel Pose, which is a deep back bend and chest-opener. The Heart Chakra is the energy centre for compassion, love, openness and communication and throughout this se...
Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Core Stre...
1 hour Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Core Strength and exploring the Manipura Chakra; the centre of our vitality, enthusiasm and our inner confidence. It is the literal fire in our belly! I hope you enjoy this 60 minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga class.
Intermediate Flying Pigeon Pose Yoga
1 hour Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga. This 60 minute Vinyasa Flow sequence prepares the body and builds up to the arm balance, Flying Pigeon pose. I give several options for all levels of practise and energy levels. This class will open up the hips and strengthen the core. I hope you enjoy practising ...